Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Haw River Farmhouse Ales Family Just Got a Little Bigger!

(Insert low quality MIDI file of the sound of glorious trumpet fanfare here!)
In preparation for opening one of North Carolina’s newest truly Southern-style breweries later this year, Haw River Farmhouse Ales owners Ben Woodward and Dawnya Bohager are proud to announce that Nick Mangili has been brought on as head brewer! Mangili, a Durham native, is returning to North Carolina after “sowing his wild oats” as head brewer at Deep Ellum Brewing Co. in Dallas, Texas. He also spent time helping Fullsteam get started in Durham in 2010.
Mangili is a mix of beer nerd, science geek and farmhand. Pair his stellar brewing experience with a Bachelor of Science degree in biological systems engineering from Virginia Tech and involvement with farm projects — he’s a perfect fit for Haw River Farmhouse Ales.
“We’re focused on sourcing fresh ingredients from local farmers to brew a lineup of truly 'North Carolina' beer,” says Woodward. “Nick’s passion for North Carolina agriculture really sets him apart. He understands our dedication to the community around us — we’re gathering fresh, locally-grown ingredients to make the best, most creative Belgian-inspired beers possible. Nick is going to be an integral part of this process.”
Mangili has some of the same passions. “There are so many things about Haw River that make it an ideal place for me. We’re going to make beer that brings in a Belgian influence and ties into North Carolina. It’s why I want to work with Ben and Dawnya,” says Mangili. “Brewing is a career where you can tie in weird science stuff and help incorporate community as part of the process. It’s an ideal situation for me; a journey I’m excited to take with Haw River Farmhouse Ales.”
Haw River Farmhouse Ales is scheduled to open later this year in Saxapahaw, NC in the dye building at the historic Dixie Yarns Cotton Mill. For more information about upcoming events, brewery opening and Haw River’s unique brews, visit the Haw River Farmhouse Ales website.
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About Haw River Farmhouse Ales
Haw River Farmhouse Ales crafts special brews steeped in Belgian tradition, but elevated by local creativity and Carolina pride. From barley and wild yeast to honey and fruit, the Haw River Farmhand Exchange program sources everything possible from farms within 100 miles of the Saxapahaw, NC brewery. Several Haw River beers also include native wild yeast that the brewery harvested from under a tree in Saxapahaw.
Owners Ben Woodward and Dawnya Bohager believe beer is more than just something you drink. It's an experience meant to be shared with those around you—it's about community. The brewery is scheduled to open in late 2013. For more information visit

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hey Homebrewers! Let's Get Wild!

UPDATE (5/21/13): Last Friday morning, when we announced our Native Yeast Homebrew Competition and opened up registration around 10am, we couldn't have imagined we'd have all 40 spots reserved before folks basically got back from lunch that day. So we're opening up 40 more spots THIS FRIDAY (5/24) MORNING AT 10AM.

The link to the registration page won't allow you to register until 10am on Friday, so if you're interested in reserving a spot, make sure to bookmark this page (or the registration page itself) and revisit on Friday morning. And if you don't catch a spot on Friday, don't sweat it too badly—we're planning another competition this fall, and more than likely it'll be style-based and BJCP-sanctioned, if that sounds more interesting to you. Thanks for all the support, by the way!

. . .

As many of our friends and followers know, we've recently collected, isolated and banked our very own native yeast strain from right here in Saxapahaw, and we've been letting it stretch its legs in a few internal test batches we've brewed, as well as a commercial beer called Little Miss NC that we recently collaborated on with Trophy Brewing Company.

Little Miss NC, in all her stunning glory,
atop the bar at Trophy Brewing Company in Raleigh, NC.

So far, we've been thrilled with how our little Saxapahaw yeast strain has performed. It's played wonderfully in test batches of a Belgian Blonde, a Saison and a Belgian-style Tripel that we've brewed here. If we give it the right malt bill, it flocculates beautifully, leaving a crystal clear beer after about 20-30 days (although it finishes out a ~1.060 wort in about half that time). Again, assuming we want it to, it can attenuate at room temperature quite easily, leaving a clean, crisp, dry beer.

But what happens when we ferment is cooler than 68˚F? How do the flavors meld with roasted malts? What happens when it's pitched into a more fermentable wort? A less fermentable wort? A wort with a low pH? An original gravity over 1.100? A copious amount of crystal malt? A highly hopped India Pale Ale? Oh, the humanity!

We'd love to test out all these scenarios, but we're planning on being busy building a brewery this summer. ;) So we're teaming up with our friends at and Bull City Homebrew and reaching out to our homebrewing brothers and sisters to host a competition of sorts. How's this for an idea: We provide you with a 50mL vial of our Saxapahaw yeast strain, and you brew whatever you want, then let us taste a few bottles and figure out which ones we like the best. The brewer of the "winning beer" becomes an official Haw River Farmhouse Ales Barn Raiser (and receives a Premium Barn Raiser box, of course) and gets to help us create a single batch of the winning recipe on our 10BBL system after we open later this year! First runner up gets a bunch of goodies from Bull City Homebrew, and third place receives a special collection of fancy merchandise from Haw River Farmhouse Ales and a high five. How's that sound?

So we want you to flex your muscles a bit with this one. Brew a Russian Imperial Stout and age it on French oak. Or craft a West Coast Red Rye IPA and ferment cool to keep those esters down and shoot for a clean ferment. Concoct a big, burly Wheatwine and dry hop the heck out of it with New Zealand rarities. There ain't no rules with this one (well, a couple, we suppose, listed below... but you can throw the style guide out the window and pretty much do what you want... you just gotta use our Saxapahaw yeast).
  1. Brew whatever you'd like. With whatever ingredients you'd like. And whatever crazy fermentation schedule you'd like to use. The only rule when it comes to ingredients is that you may only primary ferment with the yeast strain we provide you (if you're interested in pitching a little Brett in secondary or bottling with champagne yeast, feel free!). There are no style categories in this contest, and a single participating brewer can enter two different beers, if you'd like. (Although keep in mind that if your beer ends up winning first place, we're hoping to scale the batch up to 10BBL. Which means if you age your 5 gallon batch on burgundy truffles found on a remote Canadian glacier, we may have to make a few substitutions)

  2. Take great notes and share the recipe with us. Part of what we're hoping to gain by hosting this competition is vital information regarding how different ingredients work with our native yeast strain and how it imparts flavors on certain types of recipes. We want you to have fun, but we also want to be able to see how you got there. Each beer must have an accompanying BJCP recipe form submitted alongside to be considered for judging (which you can find online here).

  3. Pinky-swear not to bank our yeast or sell it to the highest bidder. Seriously, we're thrilled with how this yeast strain has performed so far, and we're excited about making it a big part of Haw River Farmhouse Ales when we open a little later this year. We want to bring you guys and girls in on something kind of fun, while also gaining a little more knowledge on our end in the process. Trust us—once we're open, if homebrewers want to come by for a fresh pull off the ol' unitank, we're game; just don't FedEx a gallon of it to Sam Calagione* before we get a chance to play with it on a commercial scale.

  4. Pick up your yeast from Bull City Homebrew starting at 11am on Monday, May 27th, and make sure to drop off your beer before July 26th. Read the rules below for details on how many bottles you'll need, where you can drop them off, etc, etc. If you don't live too close, you can still participate, but keep in mind you'll have to pick your yeast vial up from Bull City and drop off your bottles in person (sorry, but shipping yeast and bottles becomes a bit too much of a hassle)—come visit Durham, it's worth the trip! And if you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line—if there's any info that arises that'll help everyone, we'll post it via Facebook and Twitter, so follow us on either of those social networks and we'll keep you posted.
. . .

General Rules & Entry Guidelines

What kind of bottles are required?
Bottles should be 12 ounces in volume and free of paper labels or identifying caps. Corked bottles are fine as well. Bottles not meeting these requirements will be disqualified. Seriously, if we get any bottles with commercial labels still stuck to them, Ben will quite literally go insane.

How many bottles do I need to submit?
Drop off at least three 12 ounce bottles for each distinct entry in this competition. You can enter two different beers, if you'd like—just make sure you fill out a BJCP form for each beer (not each bottle, of course) and that we get 3 bottles of each distinct beer for judging.

How much are the entry fees?
None, silly goose. This one's on us—we appreciate your participation and look forward to chatting with you about your experience.

What are the dates I should remember? When is the entry deadline? Why did you just call me a "silly goose"?
All participants must be registered via our online registration form no later than midnight on Friday, May 24, 2013. Yeast vials will be available for pickup starting at 11am on Monday, May 27 at Bull City Homebrew. Entries must be dropped off in person at Bull City Homebrew in Durham before 7pm on July 26, 2013. As the deadline approaches, we'll announce the day of tasting & judging (and probably plan some fun stuff surrounding it), but it'll most likely be that weekend of the 26th-28th.

To enter Haw River Farmhouse Ales' Homebrew Competition, simply be one of the first 40 registrants to fill out our online registration form by Friday, May 24th, 2013. We'll send a confirmation email to each of the 40 participants on May 25th with instructions for picking up your yeast, as well as any other judging criteria, specific rules or guidelines, and any details that may be helpful. We'll also likely provide a few details regarding a few of the properties of the yeast we've recorded so far, but we don't want you to fall into any particular preconceived mindset when planning your recipe. Sky's the limit on this one, folks!

Have fun, get that registration form submitted ASAP, and start thinking about your recipes!

*Not that there's anything wrong with Sam Calagione—we love Dogfish Head. He was just the first commercial brewery guy we thought of. :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Seed of an Idea: The Haw River Farmhand Exchange

This past February, the number of craft breweries in the United States hit an all-time record of 2286, the highest number since before Prohibition was enacted in 1920. And as of today, Haw River Farmhouse Ales is still on point to sell its first pint some time in 2013 (more on where we are in the process in a blog post we should finish up within the next couple days).

So why are we still planning to open our doors, knowing the new brewery just down the road could theoretically brew the same beer, using the same malt, hops, yeast and (essentially) the same water? What's going to make Haw River Farmhouse Ales stand out from the other 2300+ (and growing) breweries out there? How does a brand new brewery in today's market get shelf space for its bottles and a tap handle at the local pub?

The difference for future brewers to consider will be in what else goes into a glass of beer: how it gets into your glass, who it impacts along the way, and where your five bucks goes after the last drop has been savored.

— — —

Over the past couple of years, we've had dozens of folks stop us around town here in Saxapahaw to say "Hey, can I grow some (fill in the blank with something delicious) for you?" Even I'm surprised at how willing neighbors out here in the country are to try their hands at growing ingredients for us—it's quite humbling, to be honest. And as much as we appreciate the willingness to help, it's sometimes a tough question to answer. Growing a few hop bines or an acre of barley isn't too difficult to do, but producing enough for commercial batches of beer, guaranteeing consistency and quality, and preparing ingredients properly to be used with the equipment most commercial breweries use... that's a different story, and still a daunting challenge for most small farmers.

But the last time someone asked us the question, it got us thinking: What if we actually brought together a small group of local farmers, gardeners, growers, cheese makers, picklers, coffee roasters, herbalists, and other local artisans, and made a true effort to work closely with them all as part of an official network of "Haw River Farmhouse Ales partners", taking an active role in helping them grow, prepare and receive market price for ingredients for use in our beer?

So we came up with an idea we're calling the Haw River Farmhand Exchange, and here's how we're planning for it to work. We could discuss growing or preparing specific ingredients we know we'll need for our recipes, like fresh figs, local honey, raspberries, pecans, chocolate or wine grapes (as well as hops, malted barley, wheat and other traditional components, of course) with local farmers and artisans who specialize in preparing such goods, as well as families or individuals who are interested in using a small section of their backyards to polish up their green thumbs, perhaps. We'd consider each of these artisan vendors "official partners" of Haw River Farmhouse Ales and work with them each as part of our internal team, sharing information and working in concert with one another. A set of loose requirements may be put in place, so as to maximize the impact of the program: Each of the partners would have to be located within, say, 100 miles of Saxapahaw, and there should be some sort of exchange from our end, if possible (like trading spent grain or other "brewery waste" we'll end up with anyway).

Each of the Exchange partners starting out would be located
within 100 miles of Saxapahaw, which still offers plenty of options
for both farm and factory production on a small, local scale.

We could meet once or twice a year with each partner on our team, bringing in our local extension officer or other specialists to help enhance productivity or lend a hand. In some cases, we could even buy seeds or rhizomes to help folks get started (who could then collect additional seeds from grown produce, which could then help others get started and further grow the circle and its impact on the community) and as we helped everyone grow or raise the particular harvest of our ingredients, we'd pay market price for the quantity we'd need for each batch of beer. This way, we'd know beforehand how the crops/ingredients have performed that harvest period, what the yields are, and when exactly they're ready to harvest, so we can count on having them delivered for the freshest versions of scheduled batches. When a season approaches, we schedule the brew dates based on when folks think their crop is going to be ready to harvest, and we coordinate delivery at the height of freshness.

The Farmhand Exchange would be a great way to centralize a network within the community and share knowledge and goods with our neighbors, making our home that much more productive, while also solidifying a sustainable, reliable source for high-quality, locally grown ingredients for our business. And it'd be great, because we could even have a home gardener or two in there that grows a small bed of rosemary we know we'll need for our Wild Rye in Black Saison, for example, so the program could successfully span from small families to large farms and local small businesses.

Part of the concept would be to hopefully help stimulate discussions within other small communities regarding what products and ingredients may not currently, but could one day, be supplied to other manufacturers right from our own backyards. In that way, we're hoping to help other small businesses look a little harder at their own supply chains and ingredient sources, and help them transition from the age-old standards of ordering off a big refrigerated truck or palette of crates to placing a phone call to the farmer or artist down the street and starting a discussion about growing or creating something special, just for them. After all, there's really no great reason for the driver of a truck full of week-old raspberries grown hundreds of miles away to breeze past a half dozen local berry farms on the way to making a delivery to your loading dock. Those farms are owned and run by the same folks who you bump into at the grocery store, sit next to at church, or hear about during a conversation in line at your bank.

Will some of our ingredients cost more? Probably. But then again, so will some of our beer, to a degree, depending on what it's being compared to. You can buy a can of generic lager for about a buck, most of the time, but I'd venture to guess most of you reading this would happily pay two or three times that that for a pint of beer your local brewer made with his or her own hands, just like a burger from a locally-raised, grass-fed cow costs a couple bucks more than a Whopper. Our t-shirts are made from cotton grown here in North Carolina and printed by TS Designs in Burlington, about 20 miles from Saxapahaw. They cost us a few more dollars than a shirt that's been made in China, but it's worth it to us, and it seems to be worth it to the dozens of people who have so graciously purchased one at an event or on our website. We've also been speaking with a few local micro-maltsters who charge an few extra cents per pound for their small-batch malted grain. But the barley is grown here in NC, by farmers with real names who live just down the street and are a part of our community. And that means something.

We believe the future of craft beer doesn't start in the grain mill or the mash tun; it begins on the farm, where the real story starts. And we're hoping that our small size, our geographic location, and the fantastic community in which we've placed Haw River Farmhouse Ales will help bolster those real relationships, helping to make the beer we fill your glass with later this year an even better experience for you.

(Interested in being a future part of the Farmhand Exchange team by growing, roasting, crafting or otherwise creating something we may want to use in our beer? We're obviously still polishing the idea and details, but we've got a whole list of ingredients we'd love to be able to source locally [some admittedly more challenging than others], so shoot us a quick email, let us know what you have in mind, and we can chat about what we might be looking for!)

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Beast from the Yeast Bears Fruit

We know it's been a long time in the works, but after several months of having a smarter, more scientifically trained friend of ours help clean up and isolate viable strains from within the miasma of critters we collected here in Saxapahaw last February (of which we posted a follow-up a few months later), we're finally ready to update everyone on some of the (so far, at least) rewarding results of our wild yeast collection project.

Each of the 3 most viable cultures were grown up
to the point we had about X billion cells.
Since last we checked in with an update, our resident yeast wrangler pulled the four samples we handed over and worked her magic on them, streaking plates and isolating individual colonies of yeast and other organisms. After running DNA sequences and identifying the most promising cells, she grew up single-cell colonies and created "pitchable" quantities for us to use in a few small test batches. When everything was ready, we met one Sunday morning over breakfast in Chapel Hill (at Breadmen's on Rosemary Street—their corned beef hash is second only to the General Store here in Saxapahaw), where we acquired a cooler of our samples, all organized neatly in small flasks (and backed up by slants and single-colony petri dishes). So as to gather as much information as possible, we took the notes that accompanied the yeast samples and dug around online a bit to find out what potential characteristics each of the three samples might exhibit, once we pitched them into viable wort.

Here's what we ended up with (or at least the ones we could find more info online about or worth paying attention to):

Schizosaccharomyces Japonicus (Sample 1315):Commonly found in nature on the surface of strawberries. 

• Debaryomyces Hansenii (Sample 1318):Primarily found in cheese, with a high tolerance for salinity, of all things. 

• Pichia Fermentans (Sample 1308):Part of the native flora of grape skins, and used in lambics and kombucha. (well, hello there!) 

Candida Zeylanoida:Found in our samples, but never prepared as a sample, since it's a documented human pathogen.

• Various other yeasts, molds & bacteria
Everything else in there was either dangerous or not worth exploring for beer fermentation.

So a couple of months ago, we brewed a 10-gallon batch of our normal Rusted Plow Farmhouse Saison wort, which is a fairly simple combination of Belgian Pilsner, Wheat & Acidulated malt (to help bring down the pH to the proper levels during the mash) and a few traditional European hop additions with a starting gravity on the lower side (around 10ºP). We split the batch into four 3-gallon carboys, and then pitched about 120 billion cells of each strain into each of the carboys, retaining the fourth as a "control" of sorts by pitching a "normal" saison yeast (WLP565). We pitched around 66F and let the fermentation temps rise slightly to around 70F-72F for the entire span of fermentation, since we do the same with most of our other normal Belgian fermentation schedules (not a personal fan of ramping up temps into the 80s and 90s to achieve "ester-bomb" saisons, but that's just me...).

The three samples we each pitched into 2.5 gallons of "saison" wort,
to allow the yeast's flavor and aroma characteristics to shine.

Want to know how each of the sample fermentations turned out, and what we've done with the yeast since then? We'll post test-batch results within the next week or two, and fill you in on which strains performed beautifully and which one turned out to smell (and kinda taste) like sweaty gymsocks and really good cheese (but not in a really good way). Stay tuned!

By the way, those of you who have a VIP ticket to the Raleigh Rare & Vintage Beer Tasting on January 26th will be the only ones to get a chance to try the 2 gallon test batch that we think turned out the best. Just a heads-up. :)